Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of SCANIA R143 Tipper.
Look at the technical data of the unit.
The vehicle was manufactured in 1996.
Gross Vehicle Weight: 28000 kg.
Engine details/gearing and fuel type: Euro 2, diesel, displacement: 14200 cc, engine cylinders: 8, differential lock, gearbox: manual, transmission: Schaltgetriebe, 12-Gang, power take-off.
The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: suspension: spring, front axle suspension, 6x2, 3-axle, lift axle, steering axles, wheel base: 4200 mm, brakes: drum, ABS, front tires: 315/80R22,5, 30%, rear tires: Achse 1: 315/80R22,5, 50% / Achse 2: 315/80R22,5, 40%, dual wheels, fuel tank: 600L, trailer coupling.
Driving cab specifics: cab type: sleeper cab, sunvisor, power windows, air conditioner, radio, CD.
Body dimensions and options: loading length: 5300 mm, loading width: 2500 mm, loading height: 1000 mm, rear tipper.
The payload is 13800 kg.
The mileage is 693500 km.
The unit’s location is in Netherlands.
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