Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of TERBERG Tipper.
Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.
The vehicle was manufactured in 2005.
The gross weight is 43000 kg.
The details on engine output, gearbox and emission class are as follows: Euro 3, diesel, displacement: 12130 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 420 hp, gearbox: automatic, transmission: Automatikgetriebe, power take-off.
Chassis configuration: suspension: hydraulic, front axle suspension, 8x4, steering axles, wheel base: 6100 mm, ABS, front tires: Achse 1: 425/65 r 222.5, 35% / Achse 2: 425/65 R 22.5, 35%, rear tires: Achse 1: 13 R 22.5, 60% / Achse 2: 13 R 22.5, 40%, dual wheels.
Cab design: cab type: day cab, sunvisor, power windows, central lock, air conditioner, radio, CD.
Bodywork: rear tipper.
Max. payload: 25493 kg.
Transport dimensions: length – 8900, width – 2550, height – .
The mileage is 575600 km.
The vehicle is located in Netherlands.
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S-Trucks B.V.
Polderweg 74, Schiedam, The Netherlands